Ancient Greece was one of the largest contributors to present-day civilization. Democracy, philosophy, astrology, biology, mathematics, physics, and the theater are only a few of its contributions to us. Words and thoughts from great men such as Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, and Aristotle are still taught in universities to this day. Also, a large number of Ancient Greek Events mark Greeks history
Cities which have withstood the powers of nature for thousands of years still stand for us to view in awe. This was a great civilization far ahead of its time, whose beauty and knowledge will live on for many generations to come.
In Ancient Greece, Pythia or the Oracle of Delphia was a priestess who used to hold court at Pytho, is said to have prophesied events in the ancient Greek world. Greeks believed in prophecies and warnings very much in ancient and so many important and powerful citizens of Ancient used to visit the priestess of Pytho to ask for counsel and prophecies.
Greeks had a great passion for recording events and writing history which has helped us in recovering so much information about the ancient Greek world even after so long time. Famous historians like Herodotus (who is also known as the father of history), Homer(though he is more known to be a literary creator), Thucydides, etc. had left so many materials that has immensely helped and influenced the modern society.
A huge number of significant events mark Greeks history a few of which are as follows-
The establishment of the Mycenean civilization
In or around 1450 B.C., one of the most cataclysmic volcanic eruptions in recorded history, that may have involved tidal waves, earthquakes, and crop failures, severely disrupted Minoan civilization and the Mycenaeans were able to bring Minoan Crete under their sway and to displace the Minoans in exercising a widespread power and influence. It brought great imorovement trade and sea movements. They were also the first speakers ancient Greek language.
End of the Mycenean Age and start of the Dark Age
There was a time of turmoils – a “Dark Age” – between circa 1100-800 B.C. when the Mycenaen cities were abandoned, houses no longer tended to be built with stone, and the keeping of written records fell away and it came to an end. During the Dark age Greece had separated into kinships which led to he formation of city states in the future. A new writing system was adopted with Phoenician alphabets which was led to the creation of the Greek writing system. Population also collapsed with declining agriculture and harsh weather conditions.
Ancient Greek Events- Olympics
The ancient Olympics were rather different from the modern Games. There were fewer Ancient Greek Events, and only free men who spoke Greek could compete, instead of athletes from any country. Also, the games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around to different sites every time.
The Greeks considered it their duty to attend, and duty to their gods was more important than duty to their city-states, which were fighting the wars in the first place. Many of the best athletes were soldiers whose commanders would not want them to leave the fighting. With the truce in place and the fighting halted, these soldier-athletes were free to compete in the Games and then return to the fighting when the Games had finished.
The First Messenian War
The first Messenian war took place in the year 732 Bc between Sparta and Messenia which was ultimately won by Sparta. It resulted into substantial wealth and prestige, and also marked the rise of Sparta as a major power.
Events leading to Democracy
Greece saw the rise of Tyrants around mid-seventh century BC from among the aristocrats. At this moment Athens was ruled by archons or a kind of Dictatator like those of Draco who were very harsh and oppressive. Sensing growing discontent among the people Solon innated a series of reforms which gave the people some rights. Then Cleisthenes gave more rights and iss credited for the rise of Democracy in Ancient Athens. It led to flourishing of talents with great contributions which continue to hold importance even today.
Athens greatly flourished attaining great prosperity under leaders like Pericles, and getting considered as the most powerful state in Classical Greece. Culture flourished giving us the famed Greek plays, philosophical theories, epics, etc.
The Persian invasion
The Persian wars lasted for about 50 years with repeated incursions from the Persians. With legendary Battles like in Marathon and Salamis, it changed Greek politics completely. The Greek states came together for some time to beat the invader but ended with Athens taking the lead in liberating Greek Asia minor states, while Sparta backed off which almost made them the leader of the Greek world.
The Peloponnesian war (431-404 BC)
The plague of 430 BC in Athens
Rise of Alexander the Great
The rise of Alexander was an extremely significant event not only for Ancient Greece but for the entire world.
Death of Alexander the Great
In 323 B.C. Alexander “the Great” became severely sick and died. His empire was initially administered in the name of close male relatives of Alexander but was subsequently contested over by several prominent soldiers. Although Alexander’s empire was dismembered the establishment of Macedonian dynasties over sweeping Asian and Egyptian territories allowed the continuance of a high degree of Macedonian and Greek influence over a most extensive geographical area.
By 281 B.C. the contest between the claimants to the Macedonian territories left Ptolemy in control in Egypt, Seleucus in power over much of Asia Minor and the Middle East, and Antigonas holding sway in Macedonian Greece.
Captured by Rome
More info on- historical events in greek culture