Ancient Greek legacy is multifaceted, dynamic, historically significant, and precedent-setting. Talking about the pioneering spirit, the seeds of the Olympic Games were laid in ancient Greece.

Ancient Greeks were great patrons of the sport. Sports were a part of the education system of men. Sport influenced the intellect and physical capacities of men, and also served as an ancient Greece legacy of competitiveness and resourcefulness.

Ancient Greece race illustration

The importance of sports legacy from ancient Greek culture:

From the time Olympic Games started in 776 B.C., the sport was an integral part of everyday life in ancient Greece. Regular sporting events were held between different cities. The Olympics were spaced every four years and the period between them was known as the Olympiad. The Olympiad also served as a way to measure time.

During the Olympiad, young men prepared themselves for the games. That time there were no specialists. One person would compete in nearly all the events in the games. Winning an event at the Olympics was a great achievement in society.

The gymnasia were the place where physical education took place. It is quite surprising that gymnasiums were also the place that rendered educational discourses in various subjects apart from physical education. Ancient records indicate that Aristotle and Socrates regularly visited these gymnasia and took classes.

Ancient Greek Sculpture Athletes

Plato, the world famous philosopher, whose ancient Greece legacy still lives in our hearts, was himself a champion athlete. Education was given to men after their puberty. This process continued until their death. Ancient Greek men were highly enlightened minds, who lived life to their fullest.

Ancient Greek Legacy: The concept of kalokagathia

The youth wanted to attain kalokagathia which is attaining the ideal combination of virtues. It can be said that ancient Greek men were complete men. They had the excellent intellect and physical abilities. They were brave, sociable, and respectful of the society. Kalokagathia, to put it colloquially, simply means handsome and brave.

The young men wanted to attain this state of physical and mental ability to woo their prospective brides. They wanted to be more marketable amongst women. Kalokagathia has the same connotations as the words gentleman and knight have when put together.The celebration of victories and their essence in ancient Greek legacy

Ancient Greece City States

Victories were celebrated. Losses were not abhorred. Rather, the spirit of celebration was regarded as the greatest thing. Everyone would participate in the games. The games were not taken lightly. In fact, they were extremely competitive. Historians say that ancient Greek Olympic Games were as competitive as modern-day Games.

The victors at the Games were regarded as heroes. They were recognized for their heroics throughout their lifetime. It was a special social attestation given to them for their hard work and perseverance. Their actions served as a source of inspiration for other upcoming youth to live up to the ancient Greek legacy of competing for the right reasons.