Greece Poli that were at war would suspend hostilities until after the contests. There is a modern nation known as Greece, but the Poli of ancient Greece extended east to the land which is the present day Turkey. The Greece Poli often developed alliances, called leagues, for protection against other cities as well as from foreign invader The Poli of ancient Greece were eventually conquered, but their advanced ideas eventually spread across Europe and have influenced the way we live today.
Greece Poli Hubs of Activities
Greece Poli were the hubs of artistic, political, and commercial activities in the ancient Greece. They were also the birthplace of many modern beliefs. For instance in the city of Sparta which practiced the principles of Marxism, divided all the property equally among amongst citizens.
Political Democracy
Athens developed a political democracy in which the definition of a citizen widened to include people from outside of the nobler classes, and the government was made accessible equally to both peasants as well as the wealthy. Apart from this, the Greek cities also supported artists who shaped contemporary ideas about literature, poetry, drama, and architecture.
Having said so, it must also be remembered that the ancient Greece Poli suffered from certain disadvantages, traces of which can still be seen even in today’s modern societies. Democracy was always relevant to a small portion of the population which involved only free, adult, male citizens. Foreign merchants and other non-citizens were denied basic social privileges like for example they were prohibited to own land or houses. The economies of the ancient Greek Poli rested on a base of slave labor, which was justified by the claim that slaves were naturally suited for their servitude.
Individual men’s ability to participate in representative government more often than not resulted in the legal subjugation of wives. Women were married off at an extremely young age and were then confined in small, crowded and dingy houses and were denied education.
The only women who were well-educated were the hetaerae or courtesans, and even after providing them with the education they were expected to use their knowledge to entertain men and not to please themselves. This resulted in a kind of dichotomy whereby some of the most celebrated Greek art glorified male prowess with a corresponding hostility towards women.